Friday, November 23, 2007

The mud thickens...

hmmm, now that I know what the Tiki is the much touted TikiWiki "content management system" of the USQ knowledgeGarden wiki, (sounds like a tongue twister) I am even less impressed with it's poor navigation.
Their slogan seems like a bad joke: "TikiWiki CMS/Groupware -- Whatever you're looking for, Tiki's got it."

I have never been so disorientated in cyberspace, and so unable to find anything easily.
I cannot form a picture in my mind of how all the elements of the system logically link together, and even after hours of trying I am still getting lost.
I think that when an online learning environment has highly computer-literate people like myself still getting lost and frustrated after more than a week of constant use (and I'm talking hours every day), the design and architecture has serious problems. I am very disappointed with FET8611, as I was hoping that this CMS would be something I could actually use with my own university students, but I wouldn't inflict this system on anyone I liked , let alone anyone I wanted to educate.

HOWEVER... I am wondering if the main problem is simply how congested and cluttered the USQ kG environment is, because there are so many different courses all on the one site, OR if the page layout that has been chosen is particularly poor. I am looking at other TIKIWIKI sites to see if they are as difficult to use.
Other TIKIWIKI-based sites seem clean and user
Here is a TIKIWIKI_based university course page on a similar theme to kG that seems less cluttered and a bit more User-friendly (you can click on the pic to get a larger, high resolution view):
Matt Barton's TikiWiki

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